We’re thinking about the resources we’ve loved and learned from in 2015. Some were new discoveries, others were old favorites. We’ll be back adding more resources as we countdown to 2016.
Early in the year, I had a very long commute. (I’m looking at you, record-breaking Boston winter.) It gave me an opportunity to dive into the world of podcast listening much more than I had before. Here are a few that made me look forward to traffic and train delays!
The Marketing Companion
iTunes | Stitcher ~35 minutes each
Hosted by Mark Schaeffer of Schaefer Marketing Solutions and Tom Webster of Edison Research, the Marketing Companion’s Car Talk style humor is what makes this show so loveable. Each week, Tom and Mark each give their take on a particular topic like personal branding or facebook marketing. It’s a serious podcast for serious people who would like to buy Google Pants.
HBR Ideacast
iTunes | Stitcher 10-20 minutes each
The HBR Ideacast features interviews with business leaders and researchers who typically have written or been featured in an article in a recent issue of Harvard Business Review. These short episodes feature topics like “How Google Manages Talent” and “Are Robots Really Coming for Our Jobs?” Once a month, Amy Bernstein, editor of HBR, is interviewed with a recap of the articles in that month’s issue.
Content Inc with Joe Pulizzi
iTunes | Stitcher <10 minutes each
If you’re looking for a beginner’s guide to content marketing, Content Inc is a good place to start. Joe Pulizzi, the founder of Content Marketing Institute, offers examples (like How John Deere Dominated Farming with a Content Inc Strategy) and tips (The Why Exercise) for how to drive an effective content marketing strategy.
Not directly related to business or marketing, Invisibilia is about the invisible forces that control human behavior. It weaves science, psychology, and several interviews into top-notch storytelling. Check out “Our Computers, Ourselves”, which a man who has been wearing a computer for 21 years, or “How to Become Batman”.
TED Radio Hour
iTunes | Stitcher Just under 1 hour each
We’ve all heard TED Talks by now. The TED Radio Hour features clips of several TED Talks on a similar topic and interviews the speakers. It gives a more complete look at the topic by looking at several different angles and by getting the backstory of the speaker. Amateur Hour involves a 21-year-old nuclear physicist with 11 years experience; Disruptive Leadership starts with General Stanley McChrystal and works its way to an engineering college for grandmothers.
What podcasts are you listening to? Add them in the comments – we’re always looking for additions to our playlist!