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The More Adaptable We Are: Quote of the Week

Rivergate Marketing "I think the more adaptable we are, the more chance we have of getting through" cora crawley lady grantham downton abbey

If you watched the series finale of Downton Abbey last night, either by choice or by force, did this line catch your attention?

“I think the more adaptable we are, the more chance we have of getting through.”

While Lady Grantham was speaking of the survival of their aristocratic lifestyle, in today’s context, it could describe either one of our industries – manufacturing or marketing.  Whether embracing the newest in industrial automation or keeping up with the latest in social media and SEO, adaptability keeps our businesses viable.

Whether you side with dynamic Lady Mary or dig your heels in like stubborn Carson, change will always be happening.

Isobel Crawley: “We’re going forward to the future, not back into the past.”

The Dowager Countess: “If only we had the choice.”


It’s Monday.  Get going!

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Rivergate Marketing "I think the more adaptable we are, the more chance we have of getting through" cora crawley lady grantham downton abbey

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