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Your Business Can Benefit from a Digital Marketing Roadmap: Marketing Consulting

Rivergate Marketing roadmap marketing consulting

Tune in as Christine McQuilkin discusses how Rivergate Marketing offers short-term marketing strategy consultancies for clients who aren’t ready for a retainer contract. After an in-depth investigation of current marketing efforts and existing collateral, we create a digital marketing roadmap to help clients be found online by potential customers and future employees.  Listen to the full podcast episode below!

Let’s talk about marketing consulting services.    At Rivergate Marketing, we partner with our clients to help them be found online in an increasingly crowded digital space.

Before we dig into marketing consulting, I want to share with you a story about what’s possible with digital marketing.  This example is one of my favorites, where writing in-depth technical content paid off on a cold Google search.Rivergate Marketing cornerstone content graphic with types of content listed

If you are not familiar with cornerstone content, also called pillar pages, they are long-form educational website pages that share resources on a specific area of expertise.  It’s a powerful way to attract the attention of search engines.  I wrote a mini pillar page for a client on a specific automation technology and it was about 2000 words.  For a pillar page, MORE IS MORE and these can easily be 5000 words or longer – search engines love it.

After publishing the page, it takes some time for the bots to crawl your website and index the content.  Along the way, their algorithm decides how relevant the content is and what your authority is.  It takes many months to see results, and as is often the case with marketing, it’s tough to trace every inbound lead back to a specific marketing action because we don’t normally have that level of visibility with our tools – to know how each and every lead found us.

Back to my example… I wrote a 2000 word pillar page and published it.  About six months later, a lead came in from organic search and it was tracked – the contact form was submitted after the visitor was on the pillar page.  That pillar page showed our authority not only to search engines, but also to the prospective buyer who read it.

I’m sure you understand how long it takes to close a deal on a complex sale –  12-18 months or longer for a big project. That visitor became a lead and then a customer with a closed deal in just 5 ½ months.  This one was a game changer for the client.  A multi-year project with lots of zeros on it.  Time to staff up and look for more space.  The kind of project we all dream about.  One that scares us because of its size.

Now that you understand what’s possible, I’m sure you are anxious to get started!

At Rivergate Marketing, we work on a retainer contract for our digital marketing services, and the first engagement is typically for 12 months.  Sometimes potential clients ask about starting smaller if they aren’t yet ready for a retainer – but still want to improve their digital footprint.

To serve these clients, we offer a short-term marketing strategy consultancy where we create a digital marketing plan to help them be found online by potential customers and future employees.  We can help you as well.

We conduct an in-depth audit to determine what you are doing well and where there is room for improvement with your digital marketing efforts.

We begin by doing a comprehensive investigation of your social media accounts and website including existing content you may already have, such as:Rivergate Marketing analysis of content and SEO

  • Blogs
  • White papers
  • Case studies
  • Articles
  • And other media

We analyze search engine optimization – SEO –  metrics and keywords for your domain and create an SEO comparison with your competitors.  Once we have gathered the data, we meet with your team for an intensive strategy session to learn more about your business and goals.  We work with your existing marketing personnel to create a roadmap to improve your digital footprint and be found online more easily.  Once the discovery phase is complete, we really get to work.

Our deliverable to you is a customized content plan tailored to your individual needs.  Should you want ongoing support during implementation, we can plan follow-up meetings, such as a monthly check-in call to discuss your progress or for marketing coaching.

Our recommendations are tailored to your specific situation and over time, can help you increase:

  • Your website’s domain authority
  • Number and quality of keywords you are ranking for
  • And visibility within the industry

For more information or to discuss your particular situation, reach out today.

Learn about Rivergate Marketing’s consulting services.

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Rivergate Marketing roadmap marketing consulting

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